24 May, 2011

And laugh light-heartedly...

Hm.. another topic that I lately have been thinking about a lot. It seems that when someone says something funny, I laugh too long, too much... too loud. And in cinema, when a funny scene comes, I laugh too, maybe even too loudly. >_<
But when I'm at home alone and watch some funny series or something, I just register in my head "That's funny." and don't even smirk. When someone's home, I do laugh.. It's almost as if I'm laughing for the public, not for myself.
I wonder if everyone does that or am I the only weirdo.. :]


I feel too emotionless lately... only tiredness can make me cry, any other time I feel like just an empty shell, doing the daily chores. Oh well.. maybe I will get better when the summer comes.

1 comment:

A sir all mean said...

See on tavaline ja mitte üldsegi veider... Naer on nagu plaksutamine - huumori heakskiit publikule. Omaette naerda võib aga kindlasti ei tehta seda nii reipalt kui publikus. Samal põhjusel miks omaette väga ei räägita. Seda tehakse muidugi.. aga mitte palju.